When I was a kid, school supply lists consisted of: Pencils
– fat in lower elementary, skinny in upper – two of them, no more. A Pink Pearl
eraser – these weren’t used for erasing, just pegging your neighbor in the back
of the skull. Elmer’s glue – one bottle. This was used to glue construction
paper to manila paper (most kids called it “vanilla paper” – FYI: it didn’t
smell like vanilla) and was also applied in thin layers to the backs of your
hands then peeled off when dry in order to gross out your classmates with your
“skin”. Crayons – a pack of 16 was all that was required, but there was always
some kid who showed up with the fancy pack of 64 with the built-in sharpener
and that was the kid you wanted to sit next to. Colors were Indian Red, Prussian
Blue, Maize, Raw Umber, etc. “Burnt Sienna” was the weird brown that baffled
everyone. What was a sienna and why was it burnt? Scissors – metal, blunt-end
scissors that rusted by Christmas break. The purpose was to cut paper, but was
usually just used to cut chunks out of your hair – or your Pink Pearl eraser. Colored
pencils – these were only required in 5th and 6th grade
because that was when they taught map skills (and we all know maps cannot be
colored with crayons – just ask Christopher Columbus). Kleenex – two boxes. No
one brought Puffs; they were too expensive.
All of the above supplies were to be contained in your cardboard
school box. The school box (and your metal lunch box) was a direct reflection
of your interests at the time – Strawberry Shortcake, Dukes of Hazzard, Bugs
Bunny, etc. School boxes started out with square corners and a lid that closed
squarely as well. By year’s end most were covered in elementary-grade graffiti,
the lids were held on by that really good tape the teachers kept in the locked
drawer, the corners were torn, and the lid was kept from caving in by a pushpin
(said pushpin stolen from the bulletin board). Throw a Big Chief tablet into
the whole mix and your school supplies maybe
cost a whole $10 - more if you were the kid with the 64 pack of crayons. These
things were stored in your desk with the squeaky lift-up tops that slammed at
deliciously loud decibels – and pinched countless fingers.
Now, all pencils are small because the big ones hinder small
motor skills. Scissors must be kept out of the reach of the children until they
are brought out and carefully monitored, saving many a head of hair I’m sure.
Glue is in sticks and you must equip your child with roughly 4,823 at the
beginning of the year. Crayon colors are politically correct and exciting –
Wild Blue Wonder, Cerise, Fuzzy Wuzzy, Jazzberry Jam, Smokey Topaz, and others
that to me sound more like stripper names than crayon colors. Manila paper has
given way to iPad apps and antibacterial gel is liberally applied to the
children throughout the day. Ziploc bags, paper towels, wet wipes, and
acetaminophen/ibuprofen make the supply lists these days due to dwindling
budgets. If we had a headache we got a wet brown paper towel from the bathroom
for our foreheads. And the only thing we had for germ containment was the stuff
the janitor sprinkled on puke when someone got sick after riding the
merry-go-round. Today’s kids must stay home if they have fevers, but back in my
day you were given a baby aspirin and told to tough it out. Skinned knees got
“the spray” – a yellow aerosol that burned like the fire of a thousand suns. Pounding
erasers was the biggest honor a kid could get and the white residue that covered
you was a badge of honor. And probably caused asthma and dry eyes, too, but we
survived. We survived it all.
Ahhh, nostalgia. I hope someday our kids develop an app for
1 comment:
Aw, I remember making the "snake skin" with the glue. Supply box was actually an empty cigar box. And what lunch box you chose told the world your social status.
And we were sat in order of our grade on our last test in many classes!
Today's kids couldn't cope in our world.
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