Thursday, November 06, 2008

Cranky. Oh so cranky.

Reasons I have to be cranky:

* I NEVER want cereal for breakfast, but today I wanted Golden Grahams for breakfast and there was no milk.


* I am in charge of the church Christmas program and already am being met with "That's not how we did it last year!" and insane scrutiny over every idea I have or put out there, plus teed off teenagers who didn't get the parts they wanted and whiny teenagers who swore they wanted a speaking part but as soon as they saw the script started freaking out.


* Our yard is a ocean of leaves right now - which is fine, I love Fall - but my vacuum cleaner is apparently going toward the light. So basically when you walk through my house now, you crunch.


* I don't have a freakin' CLUE as to when Paul and I will find the time to set up our Park of Lights display.


* I need my highlights/color re-done desperately, but am torn about whether the $65 is really responsible this close to Christmas.

Rassin' frassin' responsibility

* I am sick to death of mean people. I'm tired of my daughter's Middle School drama (oh, it's not bothering her in the least, she's rolling with it quite well), I'm tired of hearing that an Oklahoma blogger I admire is taking heat for her beliefs and views, I'm tired of people thinking their opinion is the only one that matters. So if you're a mean people, please stop.


* Frankly, I'm cranky that I'm so cranky. I've been this way for awhile now. I think I need a trip to Disney World.



Sam said...

I failed my glucose test and I am cranky, too. I want to color my hair but I am afraid my super hypersensitive preggo skin will hate it and my scalp will fall off onto my lap.

sniff sob whine

Anonymous said...

Ummm yeah, we shouldn't meet on the bridge. Nobody wants to see us trying to flail ourselves over the side. I'm kind of a crappy person lately so you probably don't wanna play with me on a bridge.

oh yeah...Happy Freakin Holidays.

Anonymous said...

I'm no crankier than normal BUT I am leaving for a three day Disney trip (sans kiddos) on the 14th! Wanna go with me?


Melessa Gregg said...

I can HAZ Disney trip too? (No kids, half of mine are too short for the Rockin' Roller Coaster and the taller ones are too chicken. Story of my life in a nutshell.)

Anonymous said...

you are precious. the persecution continues, but, i'm getting used to it? oh well. hope you have a great weekend!

We....the people

Originally published in The Miami News-Record, July 2020 Everything is different now. I’m not just talking about masks and social distancing...