Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Critters galore!

Here's some video of the kids' souveniers from our trip to Branson:

Isn't that thing just the cutest? It'd be even more lifelike if it didn't make that grind-y motor-y noise.....

Ah Sam.....he's so precious.

And last but not least......

The Possum. A gen-u-ine stuffed possum. Ain't it purty?

I took The Possum to work today and of course, everyone went "ewww" and commented on the sheer redneckness of it. One caseworker asked why on earth anyone would find it necessary to make a stuffed possum. I told her that the lady at Cracker Barrell commented they can't keep them on the shelf. Her exclamation was priceless: "You mean there are more out there like you?"


Stewed Hamm said...

Even better, it's a DEAD possum! That's awesome. Too bad I can't get one without going into a Cracker Barrel... because that just isn't going to happen.

GERBEN said...

Oh I LOVE the possum! Cracker Barrel you say? Hmmm, I know someone who really NEEDS a possum. I just might have to go buy one and send it to her. I'm sure she would get a kick out of it!

Kellyology said...

OK...I'm with the caseworker on this one. ewwwwww. But I am highly attracted to the motorized gerbil. Your right...much better than the real thing!

Anonymous said...

That kind of looks like the possum I hit on the road coming home from your house and Nat exclaimed "well that USED to be a possum!".

Debbie said...

I guess I'm one of the "more out there," I think it's cute!! When I ran onto 'em in that "Natural Wonders" store, I had to have one 'cause the cuteness and hilarity far outweighed the "eww"!! Does yours have the pocket?

Anonymous said...

My son adopted a stuffed possum at the zoo a couple a weeks ago. its one of his new favorites. He fell in love with it at the play zoo. Now I will have to blog about this.
I think your kids have good taste.

Sam said...

I LOVE the opossum. It's so cute and sweet. The exact opposite of REAL opossums. Mangy F#ckers!

We....the people

Originally published in The Miami News-Record, July 2020 Everything is different now. I’m not just talking about masks and social distancing...