Friday, May 04, 2007


Bubblegum Tate won the last writing challenge at Write in the Thick of It, but seems he's out being all daddified since his wife decided to have a baby on the very day I announced his victory. It's usually all about me and normally I would get all huffy over a darn baby interrupting things, but I'm gonna let 'em have their glory, those Bubblegums. Or those Tates. Oh heck, call 'em what you want as long as you acknowledge the fact that they are now parents.

So I proposed over at the other site that we play a mini-game in the meantime, since we can't continue with the challenges until Tate gives us The Words. Not that I'm complaining. Frankly, I'm just bored. And I'm avoiding housework.

So jaunt over to WitToI and suggest a mini-game or two. Save me from my house.

1 comment:

Stewed Hamm said...

If only we had a link to the aforementioned site... and not one of those "hide-and-seek" pretend links like in your posts.

We....the people

Originally published in The Miami News-Record, July 2020 Everything is different now. I’m not just talking about masks and social distancing...