Sunday, March 11, 2007

The Words! The Words!

As promised, I am ready to post The Words. Thankfully, I've had a chance to take a bit of a break because a few hours ago all of The Words would've dealt with Nathaniel Hawthorne and Psychology terms about the four sexual cycles according to Masters and Johnson. (No, Nathaniel Hawthorne had nothing to do with Masters and Johnsons' sexual theories.) So lucky you, I cleared my head.

Start writing those stories, boys and girls! Save them as an email draft, save them as a RTF file, whatever, but don't send them to me yet. I am SO not ready. I'm just letting you get started. Keep checking back for the address to the Official Writing Challenge blog, as well as the email address where you're supposed to send your stories.

Without further ado, The Words:

poop (for Carrie)

There is no length specification, no genre specification and no other rules other than keep it clean and use all of The Words.

Have fun and stay tuned!

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