Thursday, September 07, 2006

Well, that sucks

I won't be moblogging over the weekend because apparently Blogger doesn't support US Cellular customers. That's pretty not nice if you ask me. US Cellular customers have feelings, too! We also have cool stuff to moblog if we're given the chance.

I'm sure there is another way to go about it, but at this point it's less than 8 hours until I leave and I'd rather spend time with my family rather than scouring the internet for way to post to my blog from my mobile phone.

But there's always the chance I'll find a computer with free internet access somewhere in Florida. Don't sit here waiting with bated breath, but if you get a chance, stop in from time to time and you might be surprised. And then again, you might not.



Queen Of Cheese said...

Wish I'd read this sooner! You could have taken my laptop!

Jennifer said...

Have a good trip!!!!!! Hugs & Prayers... Jen

JR's Thumbprints said...

Hey there Redneck.
Somehow I stumbled across your blog. Congrats on your "Okie Blogger Round Up" Award. I invite you to submit a blog entry to the next "So You Think You Can Blog" Contest at ( Keep an eye out for it.

Cazzie!!! said...

Pictures please..upon your safe return :)

We....the people

Originally published in The Miami News-Record, July 2020 Everything is different now. I’m not just talking about masks and social distancing...