Since I wrote yesterday's Round-up post in fits and starts all day long, finally posting after 10 hours of fitting and starting, I totally forgot to mention that
I won an award!!!!
I'm going to go into trite cliche mode right now when I say that I honestly did not expect to win and that it was an honor just to be nominated. Really. And I totally mean that. I was nominated in four categories last year and didn't win in any of them and really, my life has been okay for a year now. Oh yes, winning would've been great last year, but I certainly wasn't suicidal over not winning. I kind of went into this year's awards with the same attitude - winning would be super, but I wasn't going to lose any sleep over it because in my life, sleep is much too precious to lose.
When Mike went to the podium to start the awards, Tater leaned over and said, "Okay, give me your camera." I said, "If you want to take pictures that's fine, but you're not going to be taking any of me because I'm not going to win." She rolled her eyes at me. I kept my camera on because I wanted to take pictures of everyone else, not myself. I mean, I was up against some incredible bloggers, Shannon from Rocks in My Dryer being the one that I assumed would win. Even Jan of The Happy Homemaker and I discussed who we thought would win; of course, she said it was between Shannon and I and I just found that theory preposterous because oh my gosh, how could I possibly be competition for the incredible saved-by-grace mom of four?? Not to mention the fact that The Daily B*tch and Sean Gleeson were also in the Humor category! *gasp!* And if I thought I wouldn't win in the Humor category, we won't even go into the Family category because ack!! It was just too much greatness!
When Mike said, "And the winner is....R-" I was expecting to hear "Rocks in My Dryer", but instead these words that sounded strangely like "Ramblings of a Redneck Diva" came out of his mouth. It was such a surreal moment. I think Tater screamed. I just willed my legs to work and successfully propel my body toward the podium to accept my "Okie". Mike presented me with a handshake, congratulations and my year subscribtion to Oklahoma Today magazine and Babs presented me with my ducky (who, by the way, did not get in on the ducky love happening at the next table over and she's very sad about that) and a hug and Tater took my picture and I just smiled like a loon through it all.
Winning rocks.
I am sincerely grateful to all of you across the state who voted for me. You love me! You really love me!
Special, individual shout-outs to my local girls Brady's Mom, Mrs. Coach, Jen and my precious Tater. You girls are wonderful. Simply wonderful.
I called my dad Sunday night to tell him that his daughter was the funniest dang blogger in Oklahoma. He said he already knew that.
I knew it too! That's why I voted for you... Wow! I guess voting really does work!
Congrats! You deserve it!
YAY! Congrats on the award!
Wow! I am OH SO PROUD of you! I would have voted for you, but even if we moved just for that purpose, the commute from Oklahoma would have been too time-consuming.
And my question is:
Did they take good care of Mr. Diva while you were away?
I wish I could have gone! With school and everything it has been almost impossible to get things done. :)
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