Thursday, September 07, 2006


Why is it that when I have forty bazillion things to do, I always manage to get sidetracked? I leave for Disney World in less than 12 hours, I'm still not entirely packed and what am I doing?

Well, blogging for one thing. But I've also synchronized and re-synchronized my mp3 player four times, cleaned out my junk drawer, done two loads of laundry that had about 3 pieces of clothing in each, I've painted my toenails and now I'm seriously considering mopping the bathroom floor.

WHY do I do this?????????

I don't have time to write my Ode to Okie Bloggers today - it's obvious that I have more important tasks to undertake, such as cleaning out my refrigerator and waxing my van and possibly filling in the potholes in the driveway. Yeesh.

Check the blog this weekend if you have a moment - if I figure out how to do it, I'm going to moblog from the Happiest Place on Earth.

Happy weekend, everyone!!

1 comment:

Cazzie!!! said...

"But I've also synchronized and re-synchronized my mp3 player four times, cleaned out my junk drawer, done two loads of laundry that had about 3 pieces of clothing in each, I've painted my toenails and now I'm seriously considering mopping the bathroom floor.

WHY do I do this????????? "

You do it because you are a mum, we all do it before we go away, because we want to let our hair down when we get to the place we are going and have a rest. We do not want to get back home and find we need to mop, iron and dust the second we are in the place. So we do it before hand..because we can :)

We....the people

Originally published in The Miami News-Record, July 2020 Everything is different now. I’m not just talking about masks and social distancing...