I'm a Ravenclaw!
I was figuring I'd be more of a Hufflepuff.
I was born a semi-diva. I married a redneck. Through the magic of osmosis or just because of a serious lack of sophistication over the years I have found a balance of the two that make me who I am today. And then I write about it all, much to the chagrin of my mother.
Originally published in The Miami News-Record, July 2020 Everything is different now. I’m not just talking about masks and social distancing...
Hey babe, I see you're workin that dork angle for all it's worth.
How's that goin' for ya?
I'm a Gryfendor (sp)! Funny, isn't it.
I think I missed something......
My middle name is Eletha by the way and my eyes are green.
Never mind, I went to the site to see what the buzz was all about an didn't even bother. I'm probably too Harry Potter stupid to rate. I've never read a book about it or seen a movie. I just haven't phsyched myself up for it. It's quite a jump from Civil War Romances to Harry Potter.
I'm a Gryffindor!! You should take it Mrs Coach! I think you'll be a Huffelpuff!
April-Ya know, I got the dorky link from YOUR site, so hush. Besides, it is Dorky Tuesday so I must relive the dorkiness all damn day.
IrishDivinity-That doesn't surprise me in the least! You are true Gryffindor material. And it's just sad that I know this.
Mrs.Coach-Eletha, Elaine - at least I got the E right! Your eyes are green?? Well, I'll be damned.
You really should read an HP book sometime. Yes, it's a far cry from Scarlet and Rhett, but still enjoyable. Really
April-I dunno...there's something about Mrs. Coach that just says Slytherin...
We really are dorks.
I'm a Gryffindor too!!!!
Shannon-That one doesn't surprise me either!! You're perfectly Gryffindor!
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