Wednesday, June 08, 2005

This I know

I know it's finally cool in my house because my mother came out and helped my husband put in our air conditioner. (Go Mom!)

I know that I have hummed "Go Go Go Joseph" from my amazing new, wonderfully awesome Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat soundtrack all day. And it's not a bad thing.

I know that my kids are dang cute.

I know my right foot hurts and I'm not sure why.

I know that I cannot wait for my dishwasher to come to its new home tomorrow.

I know I'm tired of washing dishes by hand and eating off of styrofoam plates.

I know that I don't like it when my husband lets my kids watch Cops.

I know he doesn't care that I don't like it and lets them anyway.

I know that summer is entirely overrated.

I know that I'm very, very tired right now and I'm not sure why.

I know that I'm not pregnant. Or at least I'm pretty sure.

I know that I'd like to be. At least I think I would...wouldn't I? Yeah, I think I would...Yeah.

I know that I miss Cousin Stacey.

I know that my kids are really getting a lot out of VBS this week.

I know that my computer chair really isn't all that comfortable.

I know that today my complexion resembles that of a hormonal 14 year old.

I know that my husband is sleeping in this morning and I didn't get that luxury. It's my vacation, too, dangit.

I know that I am stronger than I let on.

I know that sometimes I cry for reasons unbeknownst to me. Or anyone else. Sometimes it just feels right to cry.

I know that I'd like to perform on stage someday.

I know the way to San Jose. Actually, I don't, but it made me giggle to type it.

I know that I need to read more.

I know that I need to write more.

I know that someday, in addition to achieving infamy by performing on stage, I would like to also be famous for writing a good book.

I know what that book is going to be about, too. I just have to write it.

I know that I have one year left until my baby girl goes to school full time.

I know that when that year is gone I have to figure out what I'm going to do regarding what I want to be when I grow up.

I know that I'd like for that to be writing that good book.

I know how to say the alphabet backwards.

I know how to speak Pig Latin.

I know how to clog. (Dance. Not toilets.)

I know that I'm more diva than redneck.

I know that I wouldn't have as much redneck in me had I not married the man I did.

I know that being married isn't easy.

I know that there have been a lot of times I've wanted to leave.

I know that there will be many more times like that.

I know that I'm a horrible housekeeper.

I know that I'll never be as good a cook as my mother.

I know I'm going to heaven.

I know that I know a lot more than I give myself credit for these days.

I know this is enough and that y'all have got to be bored with reading it by now.


Hillbilly Mom said...

Loved your posts today. Especially the "If I were a teacher...I'd be on Prozac."

My other favorite: you know how to clog.

I laughed out loud. I missed reading your
blog while you were gone to Branson, the Redneck Mecca. Glad you're back.

Redneck Diva said...

Hillbilly Mom, I am so glad you missed me! And I'm glad I made you laugh today. Thanks for stopping in!

But I really DO know how to clog! I started when I was 17. Sis and I are planning on starting lessons up again this summer as part of our grand scheme to lose weight. I know there is a lot more of me to jiggle and bounce around now, though...that might add a new dynamic to it all. :-)

We....the people

Originally published in The Miami News-Record, July 2020 Everything is different now. I’m not just talking about masks and social distancing...