Yes, they're Hobbit feet. I can't help it. They're the ones God gave me and I'm kind of partial to them. But the ink's cool, eh?
I was born a semi-diva. I married a redneck. Through the magic of osmosis or just because of a serious lack of sophistication over the years I have found a balance of the two that make me who I am today. And then I write about it all, much to the chagrin of my mother.
Originally published in The Miami News-Record, July 2020 Everything is different now. I’m not just talking about masks and social distancing...
Yeah, need a close up of the tat.
Welcome to HNT! Hope you continue...
And cool tattoo!
Oh no, me & my little blogsister have the same ugly shag carpet. I'm still trying to rip it all up without the Baron noticing.
Yes, I wanna see the tatoo, too!
The carpet is NOT what we have through the entire house! I HATE this carpet! No offense to anyone who currently has it, either. This is the carpet in our toyroom and in my office. Someday we'll replace it with berber, but I'm not sinking money carpet for a room this big until it's my bedroom again!
And as far as the tat goes - ask and ye shall receive...
Osbasso - Thanks! I have every intention of continuing! I have two more tattoos to show off! :)
MagicGnome - Checked out your site yesterday. I will be back. Ooh I sounded like the Governator, din't I?
Jersey - This particular ink is a little over two years old. It's the third of three. Number four is coming soon! And I'll be posting pics of the first two on upcoming Half-Nekkid Thursdays!
Cool Kristin! I want a tattoo! I heard the top of your foot and by the toes is the worst. I would like to have a very, very smallish one! someday.
Nice foot tattoo!!!
I have one too, painful, but soooo cute!!!
Shannon-If you ever decide to get one around here make sure you go to Eyewitness in Joplin. They are BY FAR the best in this area. And use Dave. He has blue hair, but he's cool. And incredibly talented.
Emily-Thanks! I had no idea it would hurt so bad! Like I said, the other two were nothing, but the foot one ....YOW.
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