Friday, June 17, 2005

For the zombie fans out there . . .

My niece and nephew spent the day with us today. There was movie watching, noses kicked with errant feet, wrestling matches gone wrong, lots of tattling and imaginations run wild. Hey, they were occupied and not bugging me.

So after dinner, I started bathing children. I bathed Kady alone first. Then Ab and TotOne. Finally, after the two big girls had sufficiently adorned themselves in enough glitter to make a drag queen jealous, I managed to enter the bathroom again to run a bath for the boys.

I was washing TotTwo's hair and he was just jabbering at me and playing with his penis. This child has a morbid fascination with his little "equipment", as he calls it. I could watch it no longer and finally said, "Honestly, dude. Stop. With. The. Pinching. Of. The Penis!" So upon releasing the penis, he grabs his testicles, squishes them up in, what looked to me like a rather uncomfortable position, and said, "Brains!! Braaaaaaaaiiiiiiiiiiiiinnnnnnnnnnnssssssssss!!"


Osbasso said...

So what's wrong with that? I do it all the time!

Babs said...

That's little boys for ya!

So, it's true . . . they really do think with their "equipment." Out of the mouth of babes!

Redneck Diva said...

Osbasso- ROFL That, my friend, is what is known as Too Much Information!! :-0

Babs-When I told my Mom what he'd said, she shook her head and said, "Soon enough that's going to be true - those'll be the only brains he'll think with."

Queen Of Cheese said...

I told Heather to not let Gentry around Bryce....he's had his stuck in his bathing suit (a trip to the ER he won't soon forget) and in zip-up jammies. If he makes it to 18 with that thing I'll be amazed.

We....the people

Originally published in The Miami News-Record, July 2020 Everything is different now. I’m not just talking about masks and social distancing...