Sunday, April 17, 2005

You know it's going to be a good week . . .

. . . when your Sunday starts off with you and the husband fooling around under the covers in the bedroom, giggling and laughing like a couple of horny teenagers, while the children watch cartoons in the front room. They're even better when you are blessededly given a no-strings-attached orgasm and he didn't even ask for a blow-job in reciprocation.

I wish every day was Sunday.


Shannon akaMonty said...

Crap. My Sunday has been NOTHING like that. :)

Monkey said...


I'll bet he's gonna ask later! The day is still young!

Redneck Diva said...

aka Monty - Dear, mine are rarely like that either. I'm kind of in shock from the surreality of it all. LOL

Monkey - Yeah...since I posted that he's alluded to the fact that I am somehow obligated. Oh was worth it! ;)

Anonymous said...

.....did you have to cover your mouth so little KD didn't come in and ask "Mommy, why's Daddy the lellow-knuckle-head makin you scream w/ all you clothes gone?" Ha! I just spoiled a prefectly good orgasm, didn't I? So sorry.

Redneck Diva said...

Ahhh...that was one of those days where I was thankful the volume on the TV was turned up kinda loud!! LOL

And yeah, you kinda made me feel oogey....


We....the people

Originally published in The Miami News-Record, July 2020 Everything is different now. I’m not just talking about masks and social distancing...