Cousin Stacey's darling husband, Larry, took this precious snapshot of me looking like a retard. I was going to pose with my cheek resting on the back of my hand, like a classic Sears Portrait Studio shot, but he was a little quick on the draw.

Sis, me, Cousin Stacey and Mom under the glamorous sign of the Lucky Turtle Casino in the metropolis of Wyandotte, OK. Yeah, it cut us off from the chest down, but he wanted to get the sign in the pic. Plus, we all have big asses anyway - you aren't missin' much. Actually... you're missin' a lot, LOL. I slay me...

And finally, one last antique. Me, Scott and Stacey. Does this shot not crack you up? I'm looking at him like "What the hell did you just DO, cuz?" and Stacey's all like, "Quick, everyone sit still and maybe the grownups won't notice!"

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